Crystals, Sound Healing & Flower Essences For Complementary Therapy Practitioners
A one day workshop sampling a range of tools and techniques you can use to enhance meditation practice, treatments etc. This workshop will give you a chance to sample and combine different vibrational tools.
Cost £80
For more information or to book please press the link below
Crystal Face Massage - FHT Accredited (Copy)
Our popular face massage course. Using Ayurvedic techniques which are further amplified by working with crystal massage stones and grids. - one day FHT Accredited course. Great accompanying treatment for Hopi Ear Candling, Reiki, Massage etc.
FHT accredited course
Cost of course £100
For more information or to book please press the link below
Crystal Face Massage - FHT Accredited
Our popular face massage course. Using Ayurvedic techniques which are further amplified by working with crystal massage stones and grids. - one day FHT Accredited course. Great accompanying treatment for Hopi Ear Candling, Reiki, Massage etc.
FHT accredited course
Cost of course £100
For more information or to book please press the link below